
Institute for Bioethics & Health Humanities committed to moral inquiry, research, teaching, and professional service in healthcare


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Call for Abstracts: Reproductive Ethics Conference

The Ninth Annual Reproductive Ethics Conference will take place in Galveston Jan. 9 and 10, 2025. The goal of this conference is to explore the range of topics addressed in reproductive ethics. We welcome individuals from all professional fields to create a rich and robust discussion. We are seeking abstracts for individual presentations, 3-4 person panels, and posters. View the flier linked below for more information.


In April of 1970, both The University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Science at Houston and The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston sponsored the symposium "Humanism in Medicine" that would help shape and give impetus to the new institute that would emerge at UTMB in 1973. This new institute would be dedicated to medicine and the humanities.

Upcoming 2023 Seminars


Dr. Molldrem and Collaborators Secure Three-year National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Community Development (RCD) Grant

Mar 17, 2023, 08:48 AM by User Not Found

With Co-Principal Investigators (Co-PIs) Dr. David Ribes and Dr. Marika Cifor of the University of Washington and Dr. Andrew Spieldenner of California State University-San Marcos, UTMB Bioethics and Health Humanities Assistant Professor Dr. Stephen Molldrem was recently awarded a three-year National Science Foundation (NSF) Community Research Development (RCD) grant titled “Knowledge of HIV/AIDS: Expertise, Participation, and the Archive in the Long Pandemic.” The grant was awarded by the Science and Technology Studies (STS) Program within the NSF Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE).

 The RCD project will bring together social scientific and humanistic scholars of HIV/AIDS situated within the interdisciplinary field of STS. The core goal of the three-year award is to support community formation, the exchange of ideas, and to foster novel cutting edge research to synthesize knowledge of the HIV/AIDS epidemic among STS scholars. Activities will be organized to bridge past findings of social studies of HIV/AIDS with contemporary trajectories in the field focused around three core themes: the archive, expertise, and participation. This RCD project aims to overcome the intellectual fragmentation that has occurred in social studies of HIV/AIDS in STS and its constituent disciplines since the late 1990s by creating infrastructure to support a scholarly community around these topics. This project will assemble a productive research community via a series of three annual workshops; by developing an online forum for coordination; by supporting new research collaborations with small grants; and by creating a robust mentorship program that will pair early career scholars with more established scholars. The project will support the next generation of scholars focused on social studies of infectious disease, and will seek to develop general insight for both long-standing and emerging pandemics.