
Institute for Bioethics & Health Humanities committed to moral inquiry, research, teaching, and professional service in healthcare


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Call for Abstracts: Reproductive Ethics Conference

The Ninth Annual Reproductive Ethics Conference will take place in Galveston Jan. 9 and 10, 2025. The goal of this conference is to explore the range of topics addressed in reproductive ethics. We welcome individuals from all professional fields to create a rich and robust discussion. We are seeking abstracts for individual presentations, 3-4 person panels, and posters. View the flier linked below for more information.


In April of 1970, both The University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Science at Houston and The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston sponsored the symposium "Humanism in Medicine" that would help shape and give impetus to the new institute that would emerge at UTMB in 1973. This new institute would be dedicated to medicine and the humanities.

Upcoming 2023 Seminars


Dr. Jacob Moses and colleague publish in The Washington Post

May 8, 2023, 00:00 AM by User Not Found

Dr. Moses coauthored the article "An AI moratorium probably is not the answer" published in the May 8, 2023 edition of The Washington Post.  The piece appears in the “Made by History” section, which draws on the expertise of historians to put today’s headlines in context. To read the article click HERE